Sunday, January 12, 2014

Himavad Gopalaswamy Betta

I have specific reasons for writing this blog. Normally I write about the places I have visited and enjoyed are the ones on my list of blogging but this time I am wanted to write about a place where you feel more than happy and happy. There is something about this place makes me keep going back which is more than religion and the God.

This is a place you may want to visit for two good reasons. One is of course the Lord Krishna and the second one would be the nature. Though i would have visited the temple over a hundred times, it still don't get me bored.

I wanted to mention this for sure about the hill. When I have been there for the first time, in November 2004, I could never believe my eyes by the sight of the fog around and the chillness on the top. Have you ever felt the cold in the air drenches your jackets and sweaters? It happens there! And I guess only there!

Now, over the years seeing the place, i am sure i have seen this place at almost all the seasons, I still crave to be here for its beauty of the nature. Also the wild animals you see them on your way up is an added beauty. While you are climbing up, just take a look down. If you are lucky, you may see a herd of elephants roaming around the jungle freely may seem like a group of bumblebees to you.

Now lets get to the location and travel. Its located almost at the border of Karnataka and Tamilnadu, specifically in Bandipur. There are Government buses available in very selective number to take you all the way of 11kms steep up the hill. Alternatively you can also drive up in your car or bike where currently you have restrictions on timings for entry as well as exit and also on the time you spend up on the hill. I guess this is to make sure people don't end up partying on the hill since the nature most of the times turned out to be addictive. Not to mention about the road leads to the hill in a real bad shape. If two cars has to pass each other, then you really need to have good driving skills. So better stay on second gear for your safety.

If you choose to travel in the right time and right season and if you happen to be lucky, you may come across wild animals on your way. If you love to see the wild animals in wild, then you may want to cross your fingers for your luck. I still remember the day while i was getting down the hill and stood on my breaks to leave way for a tuskar to cross the road. Too hard to forget his eyes stared at me. Also there are tigers and bears which you may not find very common. From the hills you will be able to see continuity of hills belongs to all the three states Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala connects each other, covered with long grasslands and dense thick forests. Unfortunately these are protected areas and you may not want to invite trouble from the forest guards by trying to enter.

If you are a person who enjoys driving, your day starts from the moment you pass Mysore outskirts. In most of the seasons, both sides of the roads would be covered with sunflower fields. Years ago, there was chain of giant trees on both sides of the road but not anymore. When you are crossing Gundlupet, you may be able to the vegetable vendors on the road side. Don't miss them because most of these are garden fresh and come from Ooty. Fresh and good. 

I guess its enough of general information and lets get to know little about the temple. There is Wiki to help you to know the history but there are some doubts i have about this place. There are few areas in this hill which is prohibited to visit now but years ago when i was there, i did see wall kind of structure along the far side of the temple. Also you will be able to see a flat, stage sort of a platform and remainings of a building structure. Like every other temples, i believe this one also would have had walls around to protect the wealth of the temple which would have eroded in the past 700 years. Possibly this place would have been a structure built by the king to protect himself from the invaders since this is located in the borders of the old kingdoms and also the height would have been an added advantage to notice any intruders. Looking at the size of the temple, my strong sense is that it wasn`t built to be a regular temple for the people of the township but as to facilitate the residents of that fort or soldiers to offer their prayers.

There are reasons as why it is called as Himavad Gopalaswamy Betta. Betta in the local language means hill. Himavad means fog. This name could have come because of two reasons. One could be this hill is mostly covered by thick dense fog. The second reason is the statue of God in the temple has a speciality of water sprouting from the shoulders which is believed to be the condensed water from the fog or mist. As a tradition, after the pooja, the purohit sprinkles that water on the devotees as a prasadam however, i wonder why this isn't mentioned anywhere in the articles written on the net. Going back on the history, this idol was established by Sage Agastya. Also there is a pond called Hamsa Theertha and as per the mythological believes, a crow when it dipped into this pond reformed into a swan. Because of which there are no crows in this hill till today. Of course there could be some scientific reasons behind this yet the fact is just below the hill, you will be able to see a bunch of crows but none on the top. 
The garbha griha contains an idol of Krishna holding a flute under a tree. Krishna is flanked by his friends and the posture is that of a dance with the left big toe resting on the right one. The panel also features several characters and icons from Krishna's avatar.Lord Gopalaswamy's idol is flanked by his consorts,Rukmini and  Satyabhama. Cows and cowherds are featured towards the right side of the panel. Inside the temple at one corner you can spot a shed where the wooden wheels of the ceremonial temple car is kept. The car is assembled for the annual festival during the February-March (according to Hindu calendar Sravana of Phalguna).
Few cautions while you are visiting this place. Watch out for the entry timings because reaching all the way, the forest guards turning you back could be ridiculous. You may not be able to carry any food or plastic or any other consumable items on the hill but you can pack it and give it to the guards and pick it while you are returning. Don`t horn if you happen to encounter any wild animals, particularly elephants. Carry some winter jackets if you happened to go in the morning or evening hours. Last but not the least, just remember that its a religious place !!!